Hi My account was created last August 28, 2022 why do i still have a 2 Hour Time limit. No Money to pay pro LOL
Please make sure you are logged into the correct account in WeMod. From what I can see on our end, you haven’t logged into the app with Cerberus24A since the 2nd of May.
I just logged in earlier today.
Please try logging out and then logging back into the WeMod app. If the issue persists, we recommend reinstalling the app.
Thank you for your feedback and for pointing out the concerns expressed on Reddit. We take all feedback seriously as it informs our decisions and helps us understand how our users feel about changes to our platform. Users who registered prior to the time limit being introduced retained their unlimited access.
I want to emphasize that the introduction of certain limitations was necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of WeMod. These changes enable us to continue offering a free version of our service, which is a unique aspect of WeMod compared to other platforms. We are the only company that offer free mods, and we are committed to maintaining this model.
Additionally, these adjustments allow us to continually innovate and introduce new features. Many of these new capabilities are also provided for free, which is not commonly seen in the industry. Our goal is to strike a balance that supports both the development of new technologies and the creators who make these enhancements possible, all while ensuring that our community can still enjoy significant benefits at no cost.
We understand that any change can be met with hesitation, and we’re committed to transparent communication about why these decisions are made.
Hi Chris, thank you for your thoughtful response. As a free user, how do I check how much more time I have to use WeMod before my access to your mod service ends for that day? I’m having trouble finding the time limit I have left before my access to WeMod for that day ends. Also, may I be so bold as to recommend ending access to free users and going to entirely paid service? This would also resolve my issue because I would never use your service again.
jus a suggestion why keep at 4 hours time limit per day to all free users
Stop lying and just tell the truth, that eventually you want to get rid of the free option and go paid only. if I get hit with this supposed two hour time limit to force me to pay money for an update that I NEVER ASKED FOR NOR WANTED and I SERIOUSLY doubt you even bothered to ask every single user if they wanted the update, you just assumed we wanted it. Oh and being forced to have Ads shoved down our throats? And you put it in your ToC that we HAVE to accept the ads playing to use this! And the paid version just lets you use a mobile app with the program, I don’t see the reason to pay close to eight bucks per month just to use my cell phone with the program. Now, you can suppress me all you want to, but this is my complaint right here.
I must’ve been paying for pro for too long, when were time limits imposed on people using the free version, there were already features that couldn’t be use without paying for pro, when did this unnecessary greed kick in and start limiting usage to people who can’t afford to pay for this, there’s no need to force people to play pro, wemod pro subs aren’t meant to replace the pay of anyone’s day job.
Back in Feb 2024 it began. If your account was created prior then you are good to use it for as long as you want but for any new accounts created on Feb 2024 (idk the exact date) you get a 2hr per day limit on using WeMod.
Hi, I used Wemod for Black Myth Wukong today and I was surprised that there is a time limit. I created my account on Jul 9, 2023 and I don’t recall that there is a daily limit. I used Wemod for World war Z before and there was no problem
I see. Just to confirm, have you tried logging out of your WeMod account and then logging back in? If issue persists, please email support@wemod.com
for assistance with this.
Stop advertising that its free then, nowhere did it say there was a daily time limit when downloading instead it said that it was FREE if i knew there was a time limit i wouldnt have downloaded it in the 1st place.
Excuse me, can i ask question about this? I’m muhammad hafizh, i’m from indonesia, i want to ask, can the 2 hourfeature removed? because i’m here not know how to pay to be pro wemod, please return wemod like it was before, which not have 2 hour limit, thank you for listening
Can we have 2 hours feature back, please, in indonesia we don’t know how to paid, and i also not have much money for this bro, please make it back, i beg you