3 Month Diamond Giveaway! Good luck

D3MNTH_ _ _ _ _

Each blank signifies one number or letter. Each blank has a clue in order below.

View Profile: Nookie

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n + =

Enter it by clicking 3 month here and putting it in the coupon code box.

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Good luck to all who enter, his seems pretty hard…

This is confusing :laughing:

d3mnth = 3month

Good luck.
Even though it costs you nothing to give these away, You dont give em away easy do you…

No entry required, solve it, enter it in, and you get it.

Anyone else take a look and say I give up?


You know what I am, like trying to find the missing letters.


Is picture 3 Buddy Holly!?

Good luck to everyone attempting! Wish the best of luck to all!


Am i right ?

Not right, gotta try again :stuck_out_tongue:

enter it and find out thats the only way you will know…

good luck to all !

ok i quit, that is the most difficult thing ever.

You shoulda saw the cheaters birthday diamond exclusive giveaway.

That **** was hard.

ikr i like how they did that though it was cool lol i was screaming when i figured it out first ha ha

Hint: the first one is a number.

I know the number :smile:

i think