About The New Interface

My impression of the new interface is consistent with my views of most of the new trends in design everywhere; specifically, they are the opposite of what they claim. This change claimed the sidebar was more intuitive, but for me it’s less intuitive and actually annoying. I never liked sidebars, especially if they are not collapsible. May I suggest a more customizable interface? I prefer menu bars at the top because I am old and that’s the way things always were so it has become the way I think about programs.

I’m glad you stopped the popups begging me to install overlays and to connect to a phone, but now the ever present “buttons” to do so are not a thing I care to see every time I open the program given that they take away from the area I prefer to look for accessing things (the top bar). These buttons actually create a huge void on the entire right third of the screen below them with nothing in it because those buttons wont go away until I either install something I hate (game overlays) or buy something I hate (a smart phone with which to connect to wemod). It looks horrible. I can upload a screenshot if you want to see what I mean since most people like those things and probably don’t see the buttons to which I am referring since they installed overlays and connected their phones, but since I will never do either having them waste a full third of the available screen space is (I hate to say it) just poor design.

Given that too many people use smart phones and like overlays for this sort of thing I do not expect a redesign but the option to hide things, or even use a “classic view” setting, would make it more agreeable.

Ideally each “section” should be collapsible so if we know we will never use something, or if it’s just less intuitive to my tired old hippy brain, I can fix it.

I wouldn’t normally complain but given that it just came out there is a remote chance that feedback may be implemented. I know I am in the minority on these points, but since I am a big boy and can take no for an answer I am not afraid to ask!

Thanks for reading all that and I look forward to seeing this change soon (but know full well that it is probably more work than it’s worth for your team).


Thank you for providing such detailed feedback on the new interface. We truly appreciate your insights and understand your concerns regarding the sidebar and the visibility of certain buttons.

Please be assured that your feedback has been noted and will be shared with the rest of the team for consideration. Thank you.

I quite like the new look vut i have 2 suggestions:

  1. Make the option to minimize the sidebar clicking che sidebar icon on top permanent so i have not to click it every time

  2. Make the same function to the right sidebar with Obhectives and Announcements and make it permanemtlu minimizable too.
    Or even give an option to completely turn it off since i think most players are not using it at all.

You can move the ads somewhere else, hide it by putting most of it outscreen or something else.

Here is a point that is very important to me: Latest App Update destroyed the already perfect look of the UI - #3 by En-Lil

Thank you! Will definitely note this feedbacks and shared it with the team. Have a good one!