Account Deleted After Using Horizon

I attempted to mod Halo Reach on an offline profile, but it was deleted as soon as I plugged it back into the Xbox 360, I made sure to click Save. How can I fix this?

Recover it using your xbox.

How would I do this? The account was not connected to Xbox Live.

Then the account is gone.

How would I be able to add mods without the account getting deleted?

You are doing something wrong if it gets deleted. Fix all possible user error and avoid the editor if that fails.

Have any idea on what I could be doing wrong?

It might be the editor that is outdated and programmed in a way that allows it to write (now) invalid data corrupting the file. Probably not that but it is the only specific thing I can think of. I haven’t had this happen to me nor have i heard of it happening to someone else so really it could be anything.

I found out what was wrong, there was an issue with the flash drive I was using, when I used a new one nothing was erased.