Aden34's DRM Free Thread. NEW LINKS! (Bioshock Infinite)

Great Thread! (:

Anyways, I can NEVER download from Mega for some reason. :anguished: I only use Firefox and will continue to use it. For some reason when I agree to download it, it will tell me to press the question mark thing on my left beside my URL but it doesn’t show up! Any one know why? :confused:

Just put your formatted flash drive in your computer and transfer the dlc packs onto it with horizon, then put your flash drive back in your 360 and move each dlc to your hard drive. You may also need the latest BL2 title update.

On my Win 8 desktop I have the same exact issue as you but on my Vista laptop it shows that question mark thing and works fine.

Mega seems to only work well with chrome. you’ll have to download chrome to use mega

Are you sure? Cause it worked with Firefox many times before. But continued to stop working. :confused: I just need that question mark thing to pop up o firefox so I could download it! Dammit.

Like I said, it works on my Vista Laptop with Firefox just fine. What OS are you using?

Please delete my old posts. Got it working, thanks!

Using Windows 7. I went to about:config and did some stuff and it worked! :smiley:

Nice, I will try that so I don’t have to rely on my laptop to use Mega. Thanks!

Great thread I knew this worked for some games and DLC,But didn’t realize it worked for Dishonored DLC.
I did get Alien Breed 1 2 and 3 and Serious sam 1 and 2 this way,many years ago.
Massive thanks.
CoolSayem56 Fire Fox relies heavily upon a updated flash player for Mega.

Any chance that the Ultimate Upgrade #2 is going to be on here?

wasn’t on the GOTY Disc so no

So are you able to do this with games on demand games?

Is there any DRM free stuff for Resident evil 6 that you know of?


I’ve checked and No there is not. We’ll have to wait to see if they release a GOTY edition but with RE5 Gold edition it came with Live voucher codes and not a second disc so let’s hope they go disc for RE6 if they do release one.

not possible

quick question here, ive downloaded the BL2 ones, and so far only the UVH one worked, plus it seems my compatibility is now gone… does anyone have confirmation of these DLC’s working online or they are offline only?
and secondly if they all work, then what on earth do u guys do to get them work?
thank you

ps: the links for the BL2 big dlc’s keep on failing, specially the tiny tina one =[

They all work just fine. How are you adding them to your 360? Also, you need the latest title update if you want all of them to work.

Hey, I downloaded the Dishonored DLCs and none of them worked and said that the disc needed cleaning shortly after starting any of the DLCs while the normal game works perfectly fine. I also have the game installed to the hard drive. How can I solve this problem?

What chapters are the Walking Dead games? Those were actually good.