Age of Darkness: Final Stand Cheats and Trainer for Steam

  1. Unlimited Health
    not working

the game itself got an update for a Act III and now most of the mods don’t work like instant recruiting, boldness points, and the health mod all don’t work or activate at all. if you could please update the mods.

please update the gameplay is horrible now

games needs mods update nothing is working

Only working functions rn:
exp, boldness, and setting resources - everything else is broken

The Age of Darkness: Final Stand cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

at first the game works fine with the mods but 3 to 5 minutes in the game juts quits on itself.

The Age of Darkness: Final Stand cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

trainer not working

Yeap, trainer is not working
MrAntiFun could you please if you have some time update to the newest version ?

the trainer of this game (A.O.D.F.S) Dose not work . can u pls fix it .!

version 0.11.3, All modifications are invalid

As mentioned here: "You don't need pro to activate the shortcuts" - AOD-FinalStand - #7 by ClassicalTurtle651

I m having a problem with the toggles not working with the shortcuts they “flick” on and off as i click the shortcut.

@AussiePixelBit is this good nuff?

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The Age of Darkness: Final Stand cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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bro , The latest update and 0.12.0 do not work

Hi there, are you playing on Steam? Also, can you check if the latest trainer is selected? You can go to mod settings to check the mods version.

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Modified run.thank you

The Age of Darkness: Final Stand cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Mr Antifun, hello
Seems “stop time” is not working as in ACT II, mission 5: unable to imper the countdown.
Does this mod works for campaign please ?

May the cheats be with you

cheats no longer working

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