Alan Wake 2 Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games

@GreenHouse Please update this, there is a new version of the game and none of these work anymore. Literally nothing.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Did you buy the game from Epic games? Also, what happens when you switch on the mods? Does it automatically turn off?

Yes from Epic. No it says it is enabled but none of them work. Changing them does nothing. The game was updated a little over a month ago.

Thanks for letting us know. Iā€™ll report this to the team so they can test the trainer. Iā€™ll let you know once I hear from them.

Hey, so I got feedback from the team. They tested the trainer, and it still worked fine. Have you tried launching the game on Epic first? Load your game save, and once you are in the game and can move, switch to WeMod app and press Play.

The DLC Night Springs came out today, so the trainer needs an update for it.


Finally, trainer work with the new update ?

Not yet

The Alan Wake 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Seems like the Infinite Health is not working for the Night Springs DLC? Others are, but not that


Unlimited Ammo also doesnā€™t seem to work, but some other things like Unlimited Health Items does work.

Experienced the same here. Iā€™ve only done the 1st chapter though so far. (That was a power trip, though, even without infinite health)

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Yeah. Infinite health is not working in the DLC for me either. Iā€™m sure it will get worked out soon.


The Alan Wake 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Thank you, I can confirm ā€œInfinite Healthā€ and ā€œUnlimited Ammoā€ work now in the DLC

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Can you add infinite words of power or edit number to upgrade alan wakeā€™s weapons?

The Alan Wake 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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can we have a damage multiplier option? i wish to make the enemies less bullet spongy

add manuscript fragments does nothing