Alan Wake Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Thank you for sharing that information @C_Maggotbone. :slight_smile:

Couldnā€™t help but notice that the ammo cheat only works for weapons you find in Chapter 1.
i.e. The Revolver, the Flare-Gun, the Shotgun.
Other weapons and throwables arenā€™t affected at all. e.g. Hunting Rifle, Flares (handheld), Flashbang Grenades. Theyā€™re all limited.

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For the people who want to play on epic games, Iā€™m playing with the steam version on epic games, and itā€™s all working

For some reason the infinite stamina cheat is not working. It makes the bell sound when activated but nothing changes. All other cheats seem to work.

Hello, Sozachiago. Could you please share the steps on how you got it working for Epic?

Edit: Figured it out. To do so, open WeMod. Go to the Alan Wake page. Next, select the Steam version, and then press the drop-down arrow next to ā€œInstall/Locate Gameā€. Select ā€œadd customā€, which should open File Explorer. Navigate to where your game exe is installed in Epic Games, and then select it. You should then be able to hit ā€œPlayā€ and activate the desired cheats.

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Glad that you got it working, you can do the same steps for most of the games. Not all of them tho.

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Thank you! And thank you for your post two years ago - you saved me $13. I almost bought the game from Humble Bundle just so I could get the stamina cheat working on Steam.

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29-10-2023 current steam version cheats donā€™t work anymore.