I’ve said it before, but I still don’t get what the Unlimited Shield cheat is even for. The player and bots never have armor/shield meters, only enemies like xenomorph warriors or most synth types have that, while players/bots only get a health meter. The only shield a player ever gets is the Phalanx shield ability, which is just a passive ability that soaks up frontal damage, and is already ‘infinite’ in the sense that you can keep it active as long as you like and your guard is never broken via just blocking normal attacks, so the cheat wouldn’t really have any effect on that.
So, as far as I can tell, Unlimited Shield seems like something that would just make certain enemies invincible and do nothing else.
The Unlimited Player options seem to partially work, unlimited health seems to break if you do more than two missions in the same session or on levels with synthetic enemies, unlimited ammo and no reload work perfectly fine. However it does seem to stop allies using ammo boxes.
instant ability cooldown
It would be a good time to add one shot kills instead unlimited shield, and repair unlimited health to not working on enemy synts. Buy the way, why do I still received damage from synth when unlimited health is active?
Oh, and maybe some exp boost?
DO NOT use any of the ammo cheats as you will have inf ammo but do no damage as I tested this out. no reload means you run out of ammo and can no longer reload your guns at all and thus gimp yourself.
ammo cheats need updating to affect flamethrowers
godmode disappears randomly
shield disappears after using skills
no cheat for infinite consumables [in missions and outside it]
new challenge cards not affected by infinite resources where as normal ones are
placed turrets dont have infinite health but DO have infinite ammo
consumed incendiary/shock mags are not infinite
I wonder if there could be a possible addition of an XP booster in the form of a typical slider. I think that one that even got to perhaps 10x would be a fantastic addition for leveling classes/weapons/general leveling. I also agree with all the previously mentioned items either not working or not having double-sided functionality as mentioned in user “ijks2’s” comment. Outside of that the mods work fine for me though again, I wish for a few more additions.
Please consider easy kill option on this mod.
Unlimited health and shield don’t work properly.
The best option is what i said already “Easy Kill” like Back 4 Blood which you considered it.
The unlimited health and shield do not work properly. You can still get killed often enough, whether it’s xenos, synths or pathogens. The cheat still let the health and shield drain down very often and there’s no way to avoid it. Moreover the shield cheat always gives heavy synths an inpenetratable shield and also sometimes it gives them unlimited health too. Also infinite ammo doesn’t work for flamethrowers.