Android Fallout Shelter Mod!

If you have an android device and love the game Fallout Shelter this is the place for you!
(I take no credit for this mod save or app!)
This modded Fallout Shelter save gives you 9999 Lunchboxes and Handy Mans, (WARNING the number of items is shared between the two, but you won’t really need that many Handy Mans, right?). Next I’ll tell you where to get an app that is a mod menu for Fallout Shelter, allowing you to give yourself caps, electricity, water, food, dwellers (you can customize your dwellers too), make dwellers pregnant (men too but they stay pregnant), stimpacks, radaways, get rid of rocks, and even nuka-cola quantum, for free!

Fallout Shelter Mod Save


First, if you don’t have it already, go to the Google Play Store and download the free game, Fallout Shelter. Next click the Media Fire link below and download the save. WAIT, I recommend getting on the website from your computer (obviously) and connect you android phone to you PC via USB-Micro USB cord. Once you have the save downloaded, and your phone connected (to where you can view your files on the android) and find the save that you just downloaded (probably in the downloads). The save should read as follows, Vault2.sav, now you have a choice. The 2 in the file name determines what save the game will be in, 1 2 or 3. If you put it in a save that already has a game it will be corrupted so make sure to delete saves when you see them. Take the save and drag it to your desktop to make this easier. Open up your phone’s files and find the one named android. There should be a folder named data, inside there is a folder that says something about Bethesda and Fallout Shelter. In this folder is where the saves for the game are, if you do not see one you need to make on on the game by starting a vault. Drag the save from your desktop into the folder, change the number to whatever save spot you desire, 1 2 or 3.

Disconnect your phone and restart it. Once your phone is restarted open up the Google Play Store once more and find the app, Pimp My Vault. Once downloaded, this app will serve as a mod menu for any save on your Fallout Shelter.

Open up your new Vault2.sav on the game before you use the mod menu Pimp My Vault, as to not corrupt the save. Open up the save, do what you need to do, then get off. Remember to close the app COMPLETELY before you use the mod menu or it will not work. The mod menu is pretty self explanatory!

RECAP: Download save, place in file, download Pimp My Vault, open new game save on the game, exit game and use new mod menu, have fun!

Have fun! Ask questions down below but I don’t believe there should be any problem!

This doesn’t work on any type of IPhone, only android. Unless you have more knowledge than me (probably), know how to access the files on IPhone, and can find out how to get the Pimp My Vault on IPhone, then go right ahead!

Also, you don’t have to get the save, and the app Pimp My Vault. You CAN have one without the other.

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