Anyone get Alien Isolation?

Was playing it a few days ago after downloading it and it wasn’t too bad. Felt like slender man playing haha

Anyways I bring this up because the first title update is almost 900mb…

Just a heads up for anyone who doesn’t have enough storage. Not to mention there’s a 5-6gb mandatory install as well

i was really psyched about it till i read it was Outlast style or what i refer to as “sight seeing games” no combat, just wandering, puzzle solving, and running like a coward from everything… i absolutely hate games like this, they bore me to death and i don’t understand why their even made… its a real shame tho cause i’ve been dreaming about a sp Alien game for years, they finally do it but ruin it… so disappointing but oh well, so is life…
EDIT- scratch that, as it turns out they DID add combat, i guess they knew most people would hate it and it would flop if they didn’t… its very well done too i might add, once i realized this i bought it immediately on ps4 and have since beaten it twice, once on normal and again on the hardest setting, gameplay is extremely fun and addicting tho very difficult especially on the hardest setting “the game damn sure doesn’t hold your hand!” i especially love the crafting system and how ammo is plentiful so long as you know where to look but not absurdly plentiful, the story and ending leave much to desire but overall the gameplay is some of the best i’ve ever experienced and i wish there were more next gen games out there like this one.

I got it October 1st and have been playing it on my RGH. I don’t mind it but it is not my favorite game.