ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON Cheats and Trainer for Steam

i was just about to ask about OST chips?

For some weapon without reload like gatling and shoulder canon, infinite ammo wont work


Iā€™ve also had that issue with the laser and plasma rifles I used which just had the overheat and no reserve ammo. Neither the infinite ammo or no reload options work.

Iā€™ve also found that some ACs heal themselves repeatedly. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the infinite repair working for them as well.


Uh, will the cheated in money be detected if I was go into multiplayer with wemod turned off?

Infinite Ammo does not work with energy weapons or the gatling gun.
The infinite repair kits cheat can also apply to AI ACs in some campaign missions (they will keep repairing indefinitely until you turn the cheat off).

All the other cheats seem to work fine, thanks!


anyone figure out how to add ost chips? or will there be an update to this that includes ost chips sometime soon

thank you

Currently, if youā€™re having to use the stutter fix, you canā€™t use WeMod with this. This was never a problem with Elden Ring using the same renaming of files.

This trainer is preventing me from unlocking new items in the shop and receiving any rewards from S ranking missions. That or somehow my save is bugged.


Infinite ammo for energy weapons is not working. Would appreciate for this to be included or create another function for it. Thanks.


any weapon you donā€™t have to reload does not work with infinite ammo, and the minigun needs it the most - so basically useless.


For some defend mission i found a sniper enemies can destroy my base on 1 shot, iā€™m so confused.


yeah same happend to me

Just got to a new game plus mission and it automatically failed it. guess it has something to do with the one hit kill mod on.

Doesnt work at all for me. Just isnt able to start the game and load the mods in. Just comes up with ā€œhaving trouble loading your modsā€ error.

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OHK, Repair kit etc seem to work for the enemies in most cases, I have the AI teammates get instantly killed

Inf Ammo doesnā€™t apply to any gun which doesnt have a magazine


Does anybody elseā€™s game crash after trying to start a new mission? Like Iā€™ll start the game, finish a mission and then when I try to start a new mission, the game crashes after the briefing. I start the game again, load up a mission and then it works but it will crash again when I start up the next mission.

The infinite ammo only works weapons that are not energy related like lasers for example. Also infinite ammo and no reload stops working like go in and out at certain times on missions. Is it possible that you guys can have a fix for this?


Do you have one-hit kill on? I had a defense mission where I tested it and the enemies destroyed the target in one hit.


same.wait for update

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