Hey guys,
After a quick Google search, you might find that the hex editing method of previous Assassin’s Creed games still works.
For those of you that need a Barney tutorial on the subject, (Like me) here is how you can safely mod money without corrupting your save:
What you need:
USB Stick / Hard Drive Cable
Hex Editor (Hex Workshop is what I used for this tutorial, and can be found here: Hex Workshop - CNET Download.com )
Step 1: Open your Savegame
Step 2: Make a note of how much money you have (In this case: 23,433)
Step 3: Exit the main menu
Step 4: Dashboard
Step 5: Move your Savegame A (Normally “Assassin’s Creed III 1A”) to your PC
Step 6: Open Horizon
Step 7: Drag and drop your Savegame into the working area
Step 8: Go to Contents and Extract ASSASSINSCREED3SAVEGAME1A
Step 9: Open Hex Workshop
Step 10: Go to File > Open > ASSASSINSCREED3SAVEGAME1A
Step 11: Go to Tools > Base Converter
Step 12: You should be using Byte Order: Raw Hex and Data Type: Unsigned Short
Step 13: Enter the amount of money you have (23,433) into the Decimal area.
Step 14: Take the Hex Field (5B89) and perform a Byte Flip (5B89 becomes 895B)
Step 15: Go back to the Hex Editor, do a CTRL + F for Find, and search for 1D<your
hex value> so it will look like 1D895B
Step 16: In the Lower Right-Hand box, you should see that there is only 1 instance of that value, and the value should be highlighted in Yellow in the main hex area.
Step 17: Change 1D895B to 1DFFFF
Step 18: Save the file
Step 19: Go back to Horizon and Replace ASSASSINSCREED3SAVEGAME1A in your Save file with the new save that we just edited.
Step 20: Save, Rehash, and Resign.
You should have around 65K now.
Note: To edit more than 65k, you will need to have more than 68k in your savegame. Once you reach this threshold, the process is the same, except that there will be 3 bytes of data instead of just 2, so you will need to ensure that your Byte Flip is done properly.
As always, back up your original save, just incase you need to revert back and avoid losing any data.