Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

Hey! If you haven’t already, please try adding exclusions for these two folders in your antivirus:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\WeMod and C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\WeMod

Mine Is already set up like this, WeMod works on different games, it just this one that don’t work.

I see. May I know if you’ve followed the steps below?

Yeah, still no luck

This is noted. I can see that you’ve tried launching the game first, can you please confirm if you have tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.

Unfortunately, still no joy :frowning:

Got it. We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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most cheats seem to work fine, mega exp seems hit and miss. Health and one hit kills bugs out frequently. Would like the damage multiplier to return. Poison/traps/fire/falling with one hit enabled and health can cause the character to fall down and game becomes frozen, or just kills you.

We have received an update from our testing team regarding Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft) (Uplay+). Please note that the ACOdyssey_plus.exe file is associated with the Ubisoft monthly subscription service (Uplay+) and is different from the base game executable.

If you are using the monthly subscription service, please ensure that you are using the correct executable in the trainer.

Thank you for your understanding!

Hi,can you add again Damage and Defense multiplier?

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Hey there, wanted too tell you Guys that the infinite Ship health isnt working right. i can die while Fighting with the ship. I dont know if its just an Issue with AC O or some other things. I use all the Mods you offer in the Pack. So i dont know exactly where it could be a problem

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The old version is better in my opinion as it allows you to add multipliers so you can speed up leveling but not completely finish it, same with damage if wanted. Also you can add a small number of resources, not unlimited. It helps to reduce the grind but not completely skip it and spoil the fun. A resource multiplier would be even better.

BE CARE with xp cheat, its seem that level up too quickly didnt level your damage/healt correctly

ho and can be possible to add booster map and disable horse restriction in this trainer? there are CT engine on nexus mod who do this but it will be more easy if we can have one in all :smiley:

Hi, I know I’m coming in a bit late to this thread is it possible to unlock the Sprint/Movement speed at all?

hi, could you please fix unlimited ability points cheat? it’s limiting my points at 299. i know the game does not have an ability points limit, so i don’t know why this is called ‘‘unlimited’’ when it’s limited…

I would recommend a warning not to enable this until after you’ve completed the “Destroy the dummies” in the first story question about Debt. It appears to cause the game to not register something and make that quest fail, leaving you stranded standing there unable to move.

“Unlimited Health Ship” isn’t working 100% of the time, if at all. The health bar never shows a loss of health, but my ship still sinks and then I’m stuck watching it sink with no way to interact with anything in game or get back to the menu to load a save. (Using Steam version)