Battlefield 3 Mods

Has anyone been looking at this game to see if its modifiable? I would love to unlock all weapons and attachments for multiplayer! It takes the piss unlocking the weapons by playing legit.


Everything related to multiplayer is server sided, so no, sorry!

Only campaign is possible. But even when it comes to that it will be quite difficult. If there will be a campaign editor expect it within 3-6 weeks.

Nope. Never.

The game is on the EA servers… Campaign will be modded one day probably but multiplayer never.

How do you know? Have you looked into it yourself?

Has BFBC2 been modded? For that matter has ANY BF game been modded online?

how about we not ruin a good game

I hope you’re joking.

The game came out today…

Your a ***.

The game out today and you want to mod it already. -.-

Nah! I hope BF3 will be unmodable like BFBC2. Mods would ruin the whole Multiplayer.
I know we are a modding site but i’m completely against BF3 Mods, sorry.

Modded GoW3 and Forza 4 BEFORE it came out.

i highly doubt it. i dont think there were any bc2 mods either

looks like bc2 had campaign mods at one point :confused:

People who suck @ bf mod bf.
But cod on the other hand…

Mods make the game 10x more enjoyable.

I hope your joking. Campaign, yes but once you mod online that isn’t fun that is ******ed. Get better at the game or don’t play at all, no need for an advantage.