Best Horizon/XboxMB Forza 4 Car Design! Win 3 Months of Diamond!

Number two is on its way… creating progress. 15% ish.

All the entries so far are great, I would enter but I don’t need diamond :wink:

Can’t wait for the winner to be announced, great contest by the way Thor :thumbsup:

Entry Number 2

Name of Design: Leader of the Pack
Car Model: Honda '97 Civic Type R
Gamertag: Hybritian

[details=Open Me]


I’ll have mine up on thursday :smile:

I was banned on my account and I am unbanned the day this ends.
What do I do Thor?
I already started and I have put a lot of time into my design. I can post as many screenshots as anybody wants to prove it is mine but it won’t be available on my storefront until the day after this ends.

[details= In Progress]
I only have the general outlines for our 2 logos but they are pretty darn accurate compared to other people’s I have seen. It is hard to tell from this picture though.


It doesn’t need to be on your storefront for voting, just make sure you have the pictures you want to be voted on.

Thank god. I have spent a lot of time on this.
I never knew it was so hard to make the Horizon/Xbox logo.

For GATOR!!!

Name of Design: Design
Car Model: 1997 Honda Civic Type R
Gamertag: Stevie Rox

Open Me

Yea, they’re bad - but it was fun spending 20 minutes throwing random layers down and making this lol. Good luck errybody.

You said you was gonna make some changes to it! What happened? :L

Nicely done though <3

Totally Trav’s Entry

Name of Design: Green Tiger
Car Model: Audi R8 5.2 FSI Quattro
Gamertag: Main: Professor Oak | Made using: Horizon Modder
Additional Notes: Read before judging My main Gamertag Professor Oak was suspended during this contest due to GoW3 mods. I used an alternate account Horizon Modder to create this. That alternate account is banned from Forza 4 until the 28th when this ends. I will put all of these designs/vinyls in the storefront of that account ASAP on Friday.

Also, before you say mine is bad, I really want to stress the effort put into the XboxMB/Horizon logos. I spent 95% of my time on them and they are pretty accurate and all hand-made. The XboxMB even has shading on it.

[details=Open Me]


Good luck everyone! I hope we get more! I can’t wait to see them

Hopefully I win, my diamond runs out in a couple of days. D:

Name of Design: XboxMB Design
Car Model: Nissan Silver S15
Gamertag: iM Korrosion x

Open Me

Awesome, just awesome.

Going to be working on my second in a minute. :E

Edit - Entry 2

Name of Design: XboxMB Nyan Cat
Car Model: Nissan Silver S15
Gamertag: iM Korrosion x

Open Me

You guys mean the Nissan SILVIA S15? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll have a better one tomorrow after schoolio… Gotta go night night

Name of Design: Anime ***
Car Model: Nissan Fairlady Z 03 " 350z "
Gamertag: FuseTK

Open Me

here is some of my work but will make a XBMB One tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:


Tutorial on Winning:
Create the logo [CHECK]
Create a logo for EACH horizon tool [CHECK]
Win the giveaway [CHECKKKKK]

Oh ahah I did no read all your post :laughing:

Thread closed, the voting thread will be here soon. Stay on the lookout.