Black Ops Profile Editor Beta

how come when i use xero for color mods on my class names it like takes out the name sometimes, like i first did CUSTOM 1 and same up to the 10th class but it would just say CUSTO in color the m and the # would disappear, any help?

Is there really a point to this now? Seeing as GPD mods are pointless.

It’s not pointless. He’s simply trying to show off a app and it’s actually a good app. You are aware that their are people that still play modded zombies offline and this app is great for those people.

I realize this, but the majority of people will find this pointless. I don’t mean to insult anyone, but this tool seems like a waste of time.

If they find it pointless then their input isn’t really needed now is it. :smile:

How is it not?

gpd mods are patched and there was already a modding program called eclipse >_>

If they find it pointless then why are they going to use it? If they’re not gonna use it their should be no input to be made. No one wants to hear that it was already made or this is pointless because “Insert lame excuse here”. The only input that is needed imo is from the people who use it and want to help make things better. Being negative about things doesn’t really help anyone.

My argument here is finished… Trolling youtube.

Okay then, well Xeren, I am so sorry you wasted your time with a useless tool.

Edit: Flaming? I’m stating my opinion.

and im sure he’s sorry about you wasting your time almost flaming a topic about how useless this is to people.

Looks good. No errors or anything.

Feedback 8/10. Keep it up. :wink:

True Dat! Also thanks Xyz. Also this is not useless.Works for Zombies, and I’m sure we’ll learn how to bypass it. If it’s a check/hash that’s blocking it, I can probably figure it out, if it’s something else, someone else will work to bypass it. It also shows my capabilities/dedication. And to the guy that said “There’s already a program called Eclipse”, that one is discontinued, maybe outdated, and I’m sure plenty of other programs on the web are named Eclipse.

It’s was probably your GPD or Xero did not save it all the way. Try to use this program and tell me how it works(You may or may not have to rehash/resign). Unless class name mods were patched(Can’t test because my Flash Drive is somewhere else).

Awesome application :smiley:

Speedcap is better and loads your pics faster with no ads.

OT: Looks good. Might try later

Nice Mod Tool. Keep Making those programs