can you possibly add a skip rounds mod pls and thank you
Could you make a mod to speed up the rounds.
I have the game in the Steam version but I can’t play it and I’ll explain the problem:
When I click on “Play” a window appears asking me to start the game “Outside of WeMod” and only then click on “Play” in WeMod.
I start the game in Steam and then click on Play in WeMod.
Then the Mod loads but then WeMod closes completely.
And that’s it!
Starting it both through WeMod and outside of WeMod doesn’t work, WeMod closes.
If there’s something I’m doing wrong, I apologize and please guide me on how to do it correctly.
Thank you!
Using the newest version of the cheats with the Launch game outside of Wemod method.
Having trouble when the Mega Money from Bloons cheat is active.
The game crashes shortly after I’ve used the excess cash to buy up levels on my hero and place a few monkeys. This happens on the second or third round and I have maybe a couple hundred thousand in cash.
The crash dump indicates it’s a memory address error.
Has happened 3 or 4 times. Basically occurs whenever I use the cheats now with the new version.
tested it today in single player, i got flagged…
My condolences. Was it your steam account that was flagged or was it the Kongergate account log in?
I get a modded client warning when launching without wemod, Why did the option to launch with wemod get removed?
is there any chance of a mod being added to this which boosts the rate towers gain exp,just a hella hassle trying to get 1 million exp for the wizard monkey to get the paragon.
The Bloons TD 6 cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements