Cant connect to server

i have fully turned off my firewall. uninstalled and reinstalled horizon. even restarted my laptop and still says cant connect to server. please help i dont know what else to do lol.

Shot in the dark.

What type of broadband/internet connection are you actually using ? Are you using any proxy server, and/or VPN ?

Which OS do you have ?

Btw, I’m not a Horizon user, so I’m not aware of this “connectivity” issue which you are facing when using HORIZON, but other forum members might be able to help, and guide you further.

Check to see if you have any Microsoft updates that need to be installed, that can interfere sometimes, update if you do.

You could also try running Horizon as admin to see if that changes anything.

two weeks ago I was on now won’t connect to server. Win 10, IE 11, Cable connection. Nothing has changed, Like I said I was on last week. Now can’t log on to your server ???. Thank you Stephen W

Done That and still won’t work ???. If it going to happen it will happen to me, lol Thanks

idk what os i have but im not using any vpn or anything like that i was on yesterday and now it says cant connect to server

@Bojack99 @Grimpse

**Solution 1)**What antivirus you guys have? i reccomend to turn it off , Avast for example has caused the issue you two are experimenting.

Solution 2) Download the latest version of Horizon, unistall the one you have and download and install following the next link –>

Solution 3) If that doesnt bring a solution to your table, then try the solution posted by @DiamondM0dder, just follow this link –> Error message upon trying to open <–

Disclaimer -> I dont use Horizon, so all my solutions are like more than noob attemps to help you.

ok I logged in now , ??? and all I did was go in to my search or explorer file and deleted a folder ??? That did not make since. But it worked. This is what I did.
went to my computer or this PC, C drive then go down to the user folder, click on it, and then the folder with your name or at lest it’s got my name on it yours might be different, then appdata Folder, Local folder, Then found the folder that said Daring_Development_Inc and deleted it. Then started Horizon. and it worked It don’t make any since but it worked. Think this is the easy to do, hope I explained it for you and thanks for the help Everyone.