Can't download horizon (windows 10)

hello! I can’t seem to be able to download horizon as it keeps saying there is a Trojan and/or virus in the file I am trying to download.I was wondering if anyone knew a solution to it?

Yeah it is a false-positive. Disable your antivirus especially if it has a web protection component or some crap like that and/or add the wemod site to its exception list and then try downloading.

that did the job! thanks you very much!

or maybe not :confused: I can download the horizon setup but then it says I don’t have permission to use this shortcut.any ideas?

You’re not using AVG, are you ?

yes I am.Is that a bad thing?

AVG is horizons evil nemesis. If the shortcut is malfunctioning, you can try running the .exe file directly. horizon.exe file is located at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Daring Development\Horizon\v2”. Go there and right click “Horizon” and then “run as administrator”.

Just remember to completely disable avg.

there is no ‘Daring Development’ file in Program Files (x86).when I try to use the horizon setup it says it downloads but then doesn’t download anything no shortcut or anything.Any suggestions?

So it turns out that horizon was downloaded on to the administratiors desktop and not I can get in to it but now if hit another says I need to install an update but when I do it justs deletes I go into offline mode and horizon can’t find my USB.any suggestions?

I got it! Thanks for the help guys :smiley:

Great! @hruday1 described a similar issue about a week ago and I don’t think it got resolved. Your fix might help other people in the same situation.

Wow it worked thnx bro!!!

not working