Cant get Infinity to work on other PC (Payday 2)

Infinity doesnt seem to work on one of my pc’s as opposed to the other that only made me install and immediately use it without any issues. The application seems to run fine and I’m able to launch the game (Payday 2) when I get to the game though whenever I try to use a cheat it gives me a sound notification that a cheat was indeed used yet they dont take effect at all? I’ve tried from experience to money to even the basic unlimited health cheats but cant really seem to get it to work on this pc.

I’m currently running on Windows 10 64 bit
GPU: Sapphire Nitro RX 470
CPU : i3-6100
MOBO : Gigabyte H110M-A
Antivirus : Avast

Press Ctrl+Shift+D in infinity to see if any errors show up. You can read here how to use the infinity console correctly Using Infinity Console

Put an exception for Infinity in Avast. Avast is one of the Antiviruses that HATE trainers.

That was it! Seems like Avast was blocking it from working forgot to update the post too haha. Thanks so much!

Unsure if I should even be allowed to be asking here but has anyone tried using both Infinity and the DLC Unlocker (Pirate Perfection) if so did you managed to get it work and how? The cheats dont seem to activate whenever the DLC’s are installed for me. (I just wanna be able to clear through achievements really |fast)

“> ERROR [trainer] An error occured. Last Win32: 0x00000000” is the error I’m getting from the console

It won’t work with pirateperfection