Can't install

it say error while install.

What is the exact Error you get ? Can you post a screenshot as well ? Check the console tab for details, or post them here.

This topic will help you with full instructions. Disable your antivirus/firewall software, if you have one installed, or make an exception for the Infinity folder…

I am also having a similar problem however i cannot install infinity at all. when try to install it stops and becomes this
Please help

Are you using any kind of antivirus? If so turn it off and put infinity as an exception in.
Try disabling your firewall for the time of installation aswell.
You can also try to run it as admin and see if that will work

I am not using any kind of anti virus. I tried installing after disabling my fire wall, it gets to about 8% then fails and when ran as admin it does not get past 0%