CarX Street Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Only unreleased cars were turned into Hondas. You cannot obtain them anymore as the file which had them is now encoded and patched catalog file will crash the game.

I went back to 1.01. Installed Wemod.
Set money from tuning got 1mill and 3000 gold.

Set my xp Multiple to 20 but completely forgot about it. Did a drift now Iā€™m level 50 :man_facepalming:t3: Wish I wasnā€™t but everything worked. I then put 1.05 back and not using Wemod untill I need so

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Hello, now that I have your Pro version:
The game crashes every time & you can no longer level up, itā€™s like itā€™s frozen.
Why did it work with the free version!!!
Iā€™ve been trying it for hours but unfortunately I keep getting crashes & I thought now that Iā€™m paying for it, I can assume it will work.
Does anyone have the same problem or am I an isolated case?
Greetings, a gamer

Itā€™s not the issue of Pro or free, devs are actively working on improving game security. Thatā€™s why.

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Itā€™s very interesting game with alot of cheat codes.

Just wanted to address that Game speed no longer works anymore

Refund money / gold on purchase no longer works also

How does one go back to version one of the trainer and game? I felt bad for using it at first and started over. Now I wants my drift cars back.

The nitros and fuel worked for me but not cr on tuning and the other at the top.

4. Unlimited Fuel This feature works well, but when this feature is enabled, the main game
XP level decreases back. CAN YOU PLS ADD a function add XP Level
and all functions work well.

I noticed that the engine swap would also deduct from the street coins while the add cr when spending on modifications was active but other that that everything worked well and the money mod would allow the high end car parts would work to make you street coins. Was thinking for a future mod if you choose to pursue the modding of this game, possibly a grip multiplier to try help beat some of the times people have set in curtain races.

not working after new update

game speed crash the game , pls fix it

Cuando se usa el combustible infinito, los puntos de xp se restan en vez de sumarā€¦ Y no hay cheat de sumar xp

game has been crashing a lot today through wemod

Are any of the things still working through wemod? I tried yesterday and none of the money stuff worked for me.

The CarX Street cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Hello, it doesnā€™t work for me in version 1.1.0. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because the game isnā€™t original, but in the previous version of the game it worked perfectly, can you help me? Sorry for my bad english

Hey there, if your game is cracked or obtained from unofficial sources, that is why. WeMod does not condone piracy. As such, we cannot provide assistance in this case. It would be best to buy a legitimate copy and support the game developers by purchasing the game.

can you add something for the xp?

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