CoD4: Way to Reset Rank?

So yeah, im a 10th 55 on CoD4 due to me getting into a lobby a while back. :-/ Is there possibly a way for me to reset myself to lvl 1 no prestige or something? Any glitch or somehow a mod? Thanks.

  • VIP


I believe for PS3 there is but for Xbox no. The only way to reset yourself is to either get yourself a JTAG (Do it yourself), or get one of your friends/other to do it.

id do it for free if you were diamond…

you would need a room that reset you back to 1

Or just system link

Oh well. Thanks anyways. :-/

i literaly just put cod 4 on my jatg to rank up a friend via sys link i could de rank you but its a matter of trust so yea

Ah thanks man, but I’ve been off for a little while now since I just woke up. I’ll be on tomorrow, and I guess i’ll think about it. Thanks for the offer!

systemlink mods have been patched, so there isnt a way.

oh yeah i totally forgot about that
im 99% sure theres a way around it though

Ya but no one has attempted to get around it lol

uhm i just ranked up my friend to 10th so either u have false info or u just fail

I can haz 10th what do i haz to give you?

So you bypassed the latest title update? ya i didn’t think so . . .

i like helping ppl so nothing rly just the trust that i wont steal ur acct which i wont cuz i have no use for it but it will have to be tomorrow cuz im going to the store then going to bed so peace!

nothing to bypass i just patched an XeX with the new xexp and then used my old patch ranked him up just fine so idk it worked so idc

Ok so i wont get banned or nothing? how do i no you wont take my account… well yeah

ive hadd 11th on cod 4 since forever now im not banned and thats 11th so ill think youll be fine but there is ALWAYS a chance of being banned and i wont take ur acct but its all trust in wether u want to do it or not but i have no use in another account when i cans just make one soooooo yea

what is an xexp? just stop before you embarrass yourself, oh wait that’s too late.

I wouldn’t trust him, he doesn’t really know what he is talking about. . .

no flaming he might know he might not but you never know