Community Assistance

Hey, im new here and have only just signed up so please take this suggestiong in good faith. Loving the work so far :-).

On thing i noticed is that whilst the “creator” may understand what some of the cheats are to the user they can sometimes lack clarity or meaning for example:
"No clipping mode" - Whilst i understand what this means (becuase i have played far too much Fallout) new users of the platform may not immediately understand this.

It would be great if there was some way that the community could add descriptions/tooltips to cheats to provide more information to user, this could be through voting, moderation or a certain user type i.e. users that have earned enough reputaion to suggest tooltips that should be voted on to ensure they are correct.

Appreciate that there is a lot of work needed to get these trainers up and running so this idea is purely to try and help leverage the community to do the easy stuff once the hard work has been completed.


Thank you for the feedback. This has been discussed a few times internally and we always come to the same conclusion, if you need a description for the cheat then we didn’t name it well. We are open to changing the names of cheats if you anyone ever thinks there is a better name for it.