Community Contributions

I Wonder if there is way for community to help with trainers ? I came here from Fearless Cheat engine, and point here is that while some of us arent that skilled we still might manage to figure something out, For example what values particular game uses and even if we cant do the pointers we can massively speed up the work by providing saves with increased values that would allow for quicker identifying of the pointers behind the values.

I’m actually kind’ve curious about this as well. I figured out some CheatEngine Mono hacks for Arizona Sunshine, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get it to stabilize without the game occasionally crashing. I also tried my hand at creating a CheatEngine Trainer (using the lua and asm editor), but couldn’t get it to operate correctly. I realize all of that is related to CheatEngine, but I imagine even a CE contribution could be used to understand what the cheat is doing and integrate such a cheat into a trainer for WeMod.