for me shovel and pickaxe loses it’s durability. and any armor I put in the first slot it doesn’t do anything either. And sometimes the durability mod doesn’t work at all. I’ve tried starting Wemod each way. use it to launch, launch at main menu, and while in game.
should set more than 1,000? Because I’m still die if take damage exceed 1,000 (I’m took 1,3xx damage from explosive bugs on hard world)
On a a starter mushroom man on the lowest setting for a world to even the hardest (yes I tested them on all settings) you should never be receiving 1000 damage and when a Char has only 300 health and one hit does damage when using unlimited health something is not right. None of the tools are unlimited nor is the armor when using the unlimited durability. I have had the pick axe, shovel, hoe, and weapons break. Easy kills worked right before .999 and now it does not. Getting close to the mob it will drop their health before you attack depending on the mob or does nothing to them. Either way the trainer is broken after .999 and one reason I question how or who tested it as several of us can produce the same issues but not the testers?
I am not a mod maker, I am a user with a problem.
No enemy can do 1000 damage at a time, but that doesn’t prevent the boss from attacking me repeatedly or from killing me when I am surrounded by more than two enemies.
A character’s health can be increased with food, so my character’s health is over 1000.
The durability of the pickaxe is also not a problem. But I think this is just a problem in my environment that is working fine, so I am not denying your problem.
Sorry, I am not the creator or administrator of this mod, so I don’t know what more problems or what is happening to other users. My apologies, I am not the creator or administrator of this mod and I do not know what is going on.
Small correction on the “No enemy can do 1000 damage at a time…” portion; the passageway boss can do over 20k damage. As for the rest of it, try using the set the right clicked item to 999 on your armor/tools/weapons. It’ll set your stuff to 999 durability while also reinforcing the armor.
For the rest of your quandary, I’m the same as you, just a user. I hope this helped a little!
The Core Keeper cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Just tested and again Unlimited Health, Unlimited Food, and Easy kills does not work. Unlimited Mana shuts off on its own still. I have Zero mods installed, Uninstalled Wemod AND Core keeper even created a fresh save and started it as admin AFTER I was able to move in game. Once again not sure who is testing stuff but trainer is still not working.
The Core Keeper cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
As with the comment above and multiple others, Unlimited Health, Food, Mana, Easy kills, Fast digging DO NOT WORK and have not for a long time Dont know what version you are testing/if at all, these mods on but they definitely dont work on the standard un-modded steam version.
I cant seem to get “Set Selected Item 999” working either. Last update seemed to brick this.
try Unlimited Durability move the item you want to set 999 to hotkey1 and switch to hotkey1 the item stackable will set to 1000
Just went through testing what works and what doesn’t for…
Working: Unlimited hp, mana, food, durability, set selected item 999, selected item 1, max skill level
Easy kills is delayed on actually activating instead of the instant kill it used to be
and improve game lighting seems to be broken, i turned it on while holding no lantern and my lighting did not change.
Please Please Please. Fix the Improved Lighting. Thank you
Again Re-tested with latest Steam version (with reinstalling) and latest version of mod…
Again all mods activate BUT DO NOTHING
The only ones that actually work are Unlimited Durability and Max Skills Level
and Improve Game Lighting every now and again.
Does it work when I hold 999 coins in slot 1 while having unlimited durability on for traders ? I cannot buy anything from them. It seems it doesnt work.
On Steam still does not work. Have no mods from game itself and only ones that will work are Durability as long as I place the item in slot 1 and max skill that is it. Both Wemod And Core Keeper have been uninstalled several times and any residue files removed before reinstalling each with the trainer not work still.
Hoping this gets another update soon. The majority of the mods aren’t working on the Steam version.
Sadly 95% of them stopped working since the 1.0 patch went out. There have been “Updates” but those never even worked. Doing everything that the Supporter said to do to get them to work has never worked. So either there is a back end process that stops Wemod from working or the ones testing it are not testing it through steam like everyone else that has said it has not worked since 1.0
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I will forward off these complaints to the team for testing!
Hey guys! Please validate your steam game files! Our testers were able to replicate your problems but they have since verified the steam game files and it resolved the issues.