Crack This Program


Sorry, last night I re-installed windows because I had a virus, then I went to bed :confused:

v3 will be released soon, sorry about the delay.

Yay…I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it because I have been at school all day.

Sorry this is taking forever, when i installed windows again, I lost Visual Studio.

I am installing it again now. My internet sucks so it’s taking forever >.<


Bad SA crack.

“this application has been built with a trial version of smart assembly, therefor cannot be distributed… this application will now close”

“this application has been built with a trial version of smart assembly, therefor cannot be distributed… this application will now close”

Hold on a minute.

i think you have to talk with Bansky b4 posting crack me programs

Crack Meh v3 IS up and working!!! Get Cracking <3

private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This item is obfuscated and can not be translated.

I knoes what you used to obfuscate :wink:

yee cracked it once again

PM’ed you.

Teehee :laughing: :smirk:

Anyone come close or anything? Besides skate?

I’m working on it. Should have it soon.


This isnt even going to be fare with oscar here :stuck_out_tongue:

You can’t patch it, your name will not be entered until you get the real password.

Done, even though patching is harder :smirk:

Gimmie like 3 mins I’ll edit this post when I’m done.

Edit: Done. Password is a lie ;p

Encrypt strings next time though. That was too easy.