Cuphead Cheats and Trainer for Steam

My game crash on evry plane boss aftera few second and the unlimited super don’t work with the plane . It crash only when the game is launched by infinity .

Can you send me your savegame please? @JosyP

I played for like an hour with infinite health, infinite coins , and invincible , every thing was fine then I put on unlimited super and game froze maybe cuz I didn’t even have a super ! So works with a couple things on

Were you able to play the Aviary Boss on the second level with Invincibility on?

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Send me your savegame?

@SprayTanPOTUS actually didn’t get that far froze right before that !

I’m having the same issues, especially on the plane boss levels, it freezes up and then I get the cuphead not responding error

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I’am having the same problem with the Aviary Boss (Wally Warbles) and the Cala Maria, when I start the game by Infinite or activate the infinity inside the level the game crashs even without a cheat enabled.

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@STN Dude thanks for making the trainer. Can’t load the UWP version even though Infinity recognises it . So nothing works

Send me your savegame whoever is having problems with Aviary Boss

I don’t own the game on windows store.

Combining certain elements constantly crashes the game, certain features do not work

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Here my save.


@Mariswan Thanks for sharing your save with @STN . I was hunting mine down yesterday through 4 Disk drives and haven’t located the thing yet lol!

@SprayTanPOTUS the save is located on User/AppData/Roaming/Cuphead

The game crashes everytime when I am about to play Aviary Action boss level and also Unlimited Coins cheat doesn’t work at all
And Super shot doesn’t work in every Plane level


Same here.Game does not crash if launched from Steam. Even without any cheats enabled, crashes when I try to enter Aviary boss in the hourglass loading screen.


The game crashes on every boss that involves a plane fight (even if you don’t have any cheats enabled but the program is still running). If you’re playing any level where you’re on foot then everything is fine. When turning the program off I can play any plane fight boss with no problem. (Steam version)

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I don’t know why but whenever I get into a boss battle with a plane an error occurs using Infinity. Any help or advice for this issue?

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