August 14, 2011, 7:03pm
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Change Log
Past change-logs can be found here .
- Pavman - Updated thread [10/14/14] @ 9:19 PM
- Pavman - Added Chris to Community Manager [11/11/14] @ 9:55PM
my name is still in a different color D:
Isn’t there a thread for this already? I also haveold timer…
The Epic badge should be earned, not just given to you because you’re a staff member on another, unrelated website. I mean, a certain member has 6 posts and Epic. How the hell does that work?
There is but It wasn’t updated, so now this one was made.
._. Where’s everyone’s posts disappearing to? My post wasn’t breaking the rules and it was on topic. Unless a mod smartbombed the thread. O_o
The Epic badge should be earned, not just given to you because you’re a staff member on another, unrelated website. I mean, a certain member has 6 posts and Epic. How the hell does that work?
That’s true, it’s stupid IMO, but let’s not turn this into a discussion thread again
._. Where’s everyone’s posts disappearing to? My post wasn’t breaking the rules and it was on topic. Unless a mod smartbombed the thread. O_o
The Epic badge should be earned, not just given to you because you’re a staff member on another, unrelated website. I mean, a certain member has 6 posts and Epic. How the hell does that work?
Agree with epic. It was a new thread other 1 got removed or took away for a clean up cause there was support of ex banned staff
August 14, 2011, 7:12pm
Guys stop posting stuff like “why is this post deleted” and things of that nature. If you want to know why your post was deleted then post in Ask the staff.
August 14, 2011, 7:13pm
You should turn the staff members name’s that are bold to bold for the link to their profile.
August 14, 2011, 7:14pm
Alright, I’ll quickly preview on what it looks like. Thanks for the suggestion.
Added, thanks a lot.
No problem, nickas is epic. And paintlax21’s name is spelled wrong, you spelt it “Paintlaz21”
This thread should also be stickied IMO
Great work!
Nice thread. One error… You spelled cccodyyyy’s name wrong twice. You need 4 y’s instead of three.
August 14, 2011, 7:33pm
I appreciate that, never noticed the four y’s.
August 14, 2011, 7:34pm
also, clicking on Psyco’s name in MOTM brings me to
August 14, 2011, 7:46pm
Thanks guys for informing me of the missing members, anymore then please notify me as soon as possible. PsycO’s name in the hyperlink was misspelt, also I was missing some other staff members who had hidden badges. Thanks for cleaning up the thread too.
August 14, 2011, 9:16pm
Great post, I like how it has the links to the members as well!!
Keep it updated
August 14, 2011, 9:22pm
Thanks Nookie and Chillz for the sticky, I will do my best keeping it updated.
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