Cyberpunk 2077 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

using this options, still make the bug, can not use radio to summon all of my cars/motorcycles (must be reloading the save games, for the function is working again) !

how to fix this bug when using wemod ??

Wemod can’t load the mods or start the game. Steam version ultimate.
So do I use wemod to start the game? Do I open the launcher and start wemod? Do I open the launcher, press play then start wemod?
Right now I’m paying good money for nothing…

I suggest starting the game first, and then when you’re in the game (fullly loaded into the game.) Then alt-tab to start wemod trainer.

Can we get an Increase Rate of Fire selector/modifier? All of the handguns fire way too slow with the new 2.0 update.

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Just had a pretty big update.

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Today i found a bug since patch 2.11. When “unlimited items/ammunition” is activated and something is used, the game stop to showing the inventory in backbag. The stuff does not disappear, but you cant see it anymore.

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its look like i have found the bug ;

so, right now i am only have using…

  1. Unlimited Health

  2. Unlimited Stamina

  3. Unlimited Double Jump

  4. Unlimited Items/Ammo

  5. Grenades No Cooldown

  6. No Reload

but, again, after sometimes, using that options, the game will crash to desktop without reasons… so, how to fix that bug when using this wemod ??

have you found a fix for this yet? I’m having the same problem. I started two new games, one of them works just fine but the other one is having the exact same problem as you.

yup, i have that problem too in my steam version !

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Hi guys I need some help I am playing Cyberpunk 2077 Steam version and I am using the Unlimited Street Creed and Lvl but for some reason I can’t buy all cars it’s says I need more street creed the same problem with the ripper docs I can’t buy any tier 5 Cyberware oder I can’t find any tier 5 weapon

Welcome to the community.

Some cars require certain missions to be completed before you can buy them.
The street cred error message is wrong and was never fixed by the game devs.

For example, one of the cars you can buy can only be bought if you make a certain choice in Claire’s quests.

Is there a possibility to getting a Rate of Fire mod or rapid fire mod, since they removed the Phantom weapons mod in the game?

For some reason the “ignore cyberware capacity” option doesn’t work for me.
I tried to turn it off and removing everything, leave ripperdoc, save game.
Turn it on again and revisit ripperdoc. It keeps telling me I can’t equip stuff at a certain capacity.

The super jump doesnt work anymore idk why either it did just last week and today as of 3/5/24

i’m having the same problem in the unlimited double jump as well

i cant get any of them to work any idea how to fix

Will there ever be a freeze sandevistan timer feature? Or no cooldown, something along those lines?

Used Unlimited Health/Stamina/RAM, Stealth Mode (enemies still sometimes notices you if you’re really close to them in a mission even if you didn’t attack), Unlimited Double Jump, Unlimited Components/Unli Quickhack compo, Stat multipliers cheats including Ignore Cyberware Capacity, Weapon Cheats, Enemies Cheats, and Game cheats and it works.

However, you need to be careful to some cheats in Inventory like Unlimited Items/Ammo and Items Won’t Decrease since when this cheat is activated and you go to the loading screen (loading saves/using droppoint) will cause the loading screen to load indefinitely and you need to restart the game.
One hit kills and Damage multipliers will also wreck your car when you crash it or being hit by enemy fire if you use it when driving.

Issues with the trainer after the update: Major performance hit when controlling cameras, which gets worse as you cycle between them. and it doesn’t go away after you exit from them. Also, opening the settings and returning to the game can cause the whole thing to freeze.

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I used the mod to give myself some attribute points and an extra level - when I set my level from 29 to 30, my XP bar topped off and my character wont level up/get att and skill points naturally anymore.

I’ve tried closing the game/wemod, changing everything back to 0 and reloading the game and still experiencing the same thing.

Is there a way to fix this? I cant level up on any of my old save files either :disappointed_relieved: