Dead Island - Reached Level 50 on Chapter 3 - Ban?


I tried to be descriptive in the subject (Made it a bit long) just so I could get responses from people.

I was playing Dead Island and I had reached Chapter 3 on Act 1 with my character. Today I used the Dead Island Editor v1.9 and modded my Game Save <-- My first mod!! Everything worked excellent.

After copying my gamesave from my USB Flash drive to my XBOX 360 and loading the game - quite quickly I gained the “Reach Level” achievements … Reach Level 10, Reach Level 25, Reach Level 50 …

The problem is I’m still on Chapter 3 of Act 1 … which is quite early in the game. I haven’t gotten the achievements for completing Act 1, Act 2 and so on.

Luckily, I use an offline, modified XBOX 360 for these modded games; I haven’t yet taken my profile to my Online Unmodded XBOX 360. If I upload my profile now – will I get banned? Will Microsoft be able to detect the fact that I got the Level 50 achievement but I’m only on Chapter 3 of Act 1 on the game?

Do I need to wait now & finish the game first before I upload my profile on XBOX Live?


You aren’t going to be banned

That’s comforting; and helpful! I do want to understand things a bit more (I’m really new to this) and that’s the only reason for my follow on question …

From what I have been gathering, if you do “crazy” things with achievements that don’t make sense, like unlocking Chapter 9 achievement when you don’t have Chapter 3 achievement, MS detects it and you can potentially get banned. How is my case with this different? Is it because the “Reach level” achievements can possibly be obtained early on?

Thanks again - I appreciate it.

no i dont think so and you can be good and reach that level in that chapter

You’re not going to get banned, just reset.

I’ve never heard anyone getting banned from Dead Island, you’ll be fine.

Lol no. They won’t have the access to check your state in the game then the your acheevo.

I was wondering that; now that I’m thinking about it - it is actually possible to ‘Reach Level 50’ in Chapter 3. You can keep killing zombies; collecting stuff and running around and technically you actually can reach Level 50 early on.

I think that’s what I meant with my original question - Reset - which if I’m not mistaken means getting your Gamerscore down to 0, correct?

So can I get Reset if I upload my profile now with this ‘Reach Level 50’ achievement in the bag?


Firstly - YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! Thanks for all the replies.

The thing with that is - I know they can’t see what chapter I’m on - but they can see I don’t have the Achievement for completing Act 1, Act 2, etc. … that tells them I’m still on Act 1 somewhere.

But I think I’m pretty confident now that I won’t get Reset/Banned with this.

THANKS GUYS!! :smile:

I’ve modded level, weapons, health, items, ammo, etc on Dead Island numerous times and have had no consequences. Mod it up, play online, and have some fun.

Dead Island is not a game they watch and ban for.
I was level 50 with inf everything and whatnot since beginning of game and played through it multiple times, hundreds of hours, and I’ve heard of no such bannings.

Go mod and have fun!

AWESOME!! You guys ROCK like crazy!! I’m so glad I joined this community.

Let me ask you a Question - I used the Dead Island Editor v1.9 that allowed me to add a whole bunch of stuff and gave me cash, XP etc. I didn’t see anything for health. Is there any mod that gives you god mode or invincibility? Or adds a s*tload of health? I was still getting knocked down by Thugs after I did the mod. Are you guys using something besides the Dead Island v1.9 mod?

Thanks guys - again - AMAZING.

Not necessarily, Buddy of mine was/has/is playing the game legit (offline at his play), brought his save over but forgot his profile so he recovered it. Loaded the save and the Levels Achievements popped up first, nothing else. (Keep in mind, he was playing on his account, offline before he had dead island. (This was back around October/November))

So the Level Achievements wouldn’t be a deciding factor of a reset.

After reading a lot of other threads also it’s very apparent to me that these achievements would not even constitute a red flag; so no worries here.

Again - this is a learning experience for me - I’m learning new things as I go, and so I ask … I do understand that ‘Dead Island’ is not perhaps one of the titles they keep a hawk-eye at, so I was wondering, which titles are more apt to getting you reset/banned? I’m imagining Halo would be at the top of the list; what else?


dont worry since you were offline they cant prove you didnt just grind like crazy

Open Me

Skyrim Trapped me in a Soul Gem

Finish it, I’ve seen 10 people with the same topics and 6 of them have gotten banned so far.

No one has gotten banned on Dead Island, what are you talking about?
Also you bumped a week old thread

Edit: Nvm, someone bumped it 7 hours ago from 1 week.

Is what he’s saying true? I can’t find Dead Island bannings anywhere.
I’m just starting Act II.

If they reset you you wont be able to gain achievements that you unlocked, the only way will be playing new games. As for the level 50… are the achievements in at least in order? (level 10 unlocked first, level 25 next, and lastly 50?) I think you won’t have problems since you can boost that achievement in early missions with a friend, i don’t remember well but it is possible to get 50 really fast so I would’t really worry
