Destiny Update Notes

This update makes Destiny a more stable experience for all players. We’re also changing the player experience in the Raid to ensure that the activity provides an endgame challenge that meets project goals for the intended level of difficulty.


Fixed an issue in which multiple errors reported with Zebra error codes
Errors previously reporting as Zebra will now display as their own separate codes
Fixed a rare issue related to being Kicked To Login repeatedly
Fixed a rare issue that resulted in a Kick To Orbit reported with the ****atoo error code


Fixed an issue where some players would occasionally be erroneously kicked at the beginning of an activity due to a server error 
Increased protection against account corruption


Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass
Fixed an exploit where Atheon could be forced off his platform

More updates are to follow as we continue to support Destiny. Future enhancements being worked on include Exotic Weapon tuning, new features for voice communication between matchmade teammates, and the ability to hold more Bounties in your pocket at any time.

anyone know what the thing the postmaster present does?

good bye quick kills R.I P untill next time

I’m reporting whoever used the Atheon exploit to obtain the mythoclast. Oh, me?! I cheesed him countless amount of times on hard, but I never received it, so I’m in the clear. If I got the mythoclast, I wouldn’t report you guys. Since you got it the easy way and I will have to do it the hard way now, I’m tellin’.

I noticed that they changed the Timebreaker to its its somewhat color.

Same I got it but didnt get anything cant even find the gift or anything I thought it was suppose to give you liek a jack olantern head or something.

It does, it is a consumable. I used 2 of them at the tower and got no jack o lantern helmet or anything.

If you look on the bungie forums someone posted a method for cheesing atheon.


Link please?

I cheesed Atheon around 30 times in the past two weeks and got 3 Vex Mythoclasts. Hurry, report me.