WHy does steam get more cheats whyll xbox gets stuck with so few? Steam chargers more for games
Is it possible to get the rest of the mods that Steam has for Xbox?
Is it possible windows finally gets an update to have atleast most of the steam cheats?
Would it be possible to get invisible mode added to the gamepass version?
can we get the same amount of cheats as the steam version please ?
Please add the same cheats from the Steam version if possible.
I fourth this
Any chance of getting more options like for steam and such but for xbox version
can we please get the same cheats as steam please!
i would love to have the same cheats as steam for xbox i know someone’s already said this more than likely but i wanna get the achievement for the game since its on gamepass
I agree
is this trainer still being updated? I play the Xbox version and I’d love all the cheats that are on the steam version.