Disney Dreamlight Valley Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

can someone tag me once this has been updated

its updated!

Its updated!

Thank you so much!

The storybook magic still decreases even with the mod on but the multiplier is working. The game also keeps crashing since I updated the mod today. I just wanted to report this isnt working correctly

After updating the mods, every time I try to exit the game instead of closing it just freezes. On Xbox PC. Thank you for updating the mods though!


same thing is happening to me as well

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This will need to be updated on Wednesday as the game will have an update which will mess with mods especially item modification

Yah I am actually using the previous verison of it because of this. Also another way to get around it is to close wemod, it will instantly close the crashed game that has frozen.

That’s very helpful, thank you for letting me know that workaround!

So I just saw a Reddit about Gameloft threatening bans for modding. Is this something we need to be worried about using this?

Is it possible to duplicate moon stones as well?

I bet that is a No since it is their online version of currency, costing real money, and it does ping their servers.

That’s correct. Any in game currency purchasable with real money will not be modified, as that would be theft.

Would it be possible to add a mod to multiply certain items in your inventory? Like say add a button to fill all of your empty inventory space with the item you want to multiply but it has to have more than a 2 count and it has to be in the first spot. I was thinking about it seeing as the other method is very tedious and time consuming.

Look up a youtube channel called Serroh, he goes over his thoughts on the matter. Honestly, I don’t think we have much to worry about.