I might buy it or just buy the x360USB Pro. So is it worth buying it or just buy the x360USB Pro?
Here it is for 104$
X360Key Xbox 360 USB Loader HDD :: Buy x360Key Here!
x360USB Pro 58$
Xecuter X360 USB Pro
Help me decide!
I might buy it or just buy the x360USB Pro. So is it worth buying it or just buy the x360USB Pro?
Here it is for 104$
X360Key Xbox 360 USB Loader HDD :: Buy x360Key Here!
x360USB Pro 58$
Xecuter X360 USB Pro
Help me decide!
I would say neither do to the fact that alot of people using team Xecuter and Jungle stuff are getting hit hard by the microsoft ban wave i say wait til the end of the month when the wave has cooled and if there still being sold as undetected buy them or else you be facing looking at buying a new xbox thats my opinion its your choice though bro
I’d get X360Key. Isn’t X360Usb technically different? X360Key is a disc drive emulator and X360Usb is used for flashing firmware over Usb instead of Sata (and needs a connectivity kit and probe).
Though, personally, I’m waiting for LIVE support and backup disc to hard drive from X360Key before I even think about purchasing it.
Well if i were to get either it would be the x360key, not heard of many… actually anyone with it, but i have heard that it is a good device… Similar to jtagging and running games off the hdd… but i woulnt buy any until the hardware is completely safe… as the disc drive still needs to be active to play most games, other than those on GoD… But if the formatting still is similar to that of the disc drive DVD… then you can get banned.
Here is a video showing Driver (XGD3) booting and a early version of the device.
No just wait for LT+2.0 and flash your drive. Xkey will get patched and unless they have made some major break through you still can’t play online with it.
when does it come out chris i still have 1.8 haha? i havent felt like upgrading mine.
Yeah buy it, The expenisive one, Or can i sell you mine ?
Wut? Do you have a benq or a drive that doesn’t have ap2.5 or something?
This isn’t live safe. Nor is it undetectable. SO unworth it.
Live support should be undetectable, once they get the timings right, it is a emulator after all. Once Live support is complete, I’m sure we will see a fair amount of views on how successful or unsuccessful the product is.
The backup from disc feature is enough for me to want it though.
I see this useful if u play a lot of offline games(i would recommend a JTAG for offline rather then one of these). But if u play mostly online games, then i wouldn’t bother with getting one, until it is reviewed and tested more.
I haven’t heard of any one getting one of these yet, I believe once they said late July was when it was going to be released. It is now early September. o_O
Nah mate, wait for the new LT+ ( as said earlier )