Dwarf Fortress Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Dwarf Fortress
This is the official discussion topic of the Dwarf Fortress Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Instant Work
2. Fast Skill Level Up
3. Set Viewed Stackable Item


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 12/11/2022
    Started development

  • 12/11/2022
    Released trainer with 3 cheats

  • 09/27/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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The Dwarf Fortress cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 3 cheats

Can we get a mood modifier for dwarves, please? Got some upset ones that I’d like to boost the mood of


thanks ! good options, when the game gets finished with the patches i hope some more options get added but the games so complicated i imagine HP would be very hard since the game doesnt have HP it just tracks how much blood is in a creature and kills it if it gets too low

the skill learning affects all creatures rip

once the cheats are activated it looks like your dwarfs will no longer pick up pickaxes/tools, happened a couple times until i realized what was going on

edit : turning them off / reloading the game and computer doesnt revert the issue

the smallest updates break things in such weird ways

I am not sure about this… but the set viewed stackable item… it adds a amount to the item but when that item gets moved the whole stack moves.

Stack cheat - only for item that are with numbers ( food, drink, seeds) but after wile item from barrel ( food ) or ( drinks ) disappear with actual storage ( barrel ) idk if that because over flow, or because its more than 1k but all my drinks that was more than 9k-9999 gone.
Fast skill level up - its does work but to get max lvl you still need to craft 2-4 items or simply do some work.
Instant work - idk what that even do but, if dwarf start to craft something its still takes few seconds to make it ( same as original speed ) , or if he mine its still speed of actual skill.

  • so from all cheats Skill one is only that works and worth using ( still didn’t test vs enemy, as they can train as fast as you theoretically )

I agree with H2oSpez, the instant work cheat does not seem to do anything. The stackable cheat sort of works but I think there must be more than once place where it stores the number in a stack as it acts weird.

Okay, so, Issues.
-Instant Work does not seem to have any effect.
-Fast Skill cheat affects all entities on the map, possibly even in the entire world, not just your units. Furthermore, once activated, deactivating it does not seem to disable the effect, it remains permanently active on your entire game. Activating it once means everything on the map will quickly become legendary in anything they do. In a game as complex as Dwarf Fortress, this quickly leads to strange and disruptive effects. For example, trader caravans seem to start bringing huge stocks of just one or two item types instead of a varied selection, possibly as a result of instantly becoming master traders. Invaders and other attackers will become almost unbeatable in a few rounds of combat with your units. This essentially makes the cheat something that will inevitably lock you into a game-ending situation once used.

Suggestions for more cheats.
-Trigger migrant wave. This should hopefully be something easy to implement, as it only involves setting off one event, and would be very useful to any fortress.


i hope the trainer gets an update for adventure mode when it comes out :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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The Dwarf Fortress cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements