Dying Light 2 Stay Human Cheats and Trainer for Steam

You can simply edit with cheat engine

i just discovered a bug that i thought was always the games fault but it turned out to be the infinite health option of the trainer
the bug is the following if you have infinite health enabled then you can no longer perfect block enemies attacks be it close quarter or ranged attacks no idea why
since the game will most likely get another update in a few days after the event is over it would be nice to see the bug to be removed i need infinite health (esp. fall damage and night time) but perfect blocking is just way to awesome anyway besides that everything works

the trainer doesn’t work with the most recent update(1.20.1)

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hey! Could you please describe the issues you’re encountering with the mods?

they just don’t work in general, some wont activate at all and some activate but have no effect

I see. May I know if you are using the mods on a multiplayer/co-op mode?

DO NOT edit your bounty agents xp. It bugs and it made my rep go down and now it doesnt level anymore.

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will there be for a map for this game?

Amazing mod Fling, it’s really helpful, but could you perchance add a dupe mechanic? Would been great.

will there be a map? this is very helpful

Dear menu author, please update.

do you happen to find the way to fix it? I cant edit XP for Harper at this moment.

Hi! Have you followed the mod instruction you’re currently using?

yes I did. It worked for Watcher/Jai but Harper.

Noted. Have you tried disabling the mods, waiting for a few seconds, and then re-enabling them?

Yes, I tried closing the mod and re-open. I also tried uninstall the mod, download it again and reinstall. Still doesnt work.
The token is worked but the exp is not.

is it possible to add a mod to this that allows us to have a unlimted uv flashlight?

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