Escapists 2 Trainer Not detecting Escapists 2 (Epic Games)

I am trying to use the Escapists 2 with WeMod but the WeMod is not detecting the game. I restarted my computer, I restarted WeMod and nothing. The Escapists 2 version I got was from the Epic Games store Free event. When I try and use a link/exe file to get WeMod to detect the game it says “Catastrophic Failure”. Is this a problem with WeMod, or the fact that I got this game from Epic?

Hello and welcome to the community @SebThePerson. :slight_smile:

We currently do not have a trainer for The Escapists 2 from the Epic Games store. Different store versions of the same game usually have small differences in the game engine which will require them to have their own separate trainer.

However, you can vote for a trainer to be made for this version of the game via the WeMod desktop app.

  1. Search for the game in the top-left search bar.
  2. Click the result under the Requestable Games heading.
  3. Click the Epic Games logo.
  4. Click Vote.

The game was only released on the Epic Games store this Thursday, so it doesn’t quite have enough votes yet for this trainer to be a priority in the development queue. I voted too. :slight_smile:

Side note: I see from the screenshot that you’re adding a .url file from your desktop to WeMod. This is not the game’s executable and would explain the catastrophic failure.
See this recent post for more help with finding the true .exe of games: Am I missing anything with PRO?.