This is the official discussion topic of the
Etrian Odyssey II HD Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Unlimited HP
2. Unlimited TP
3. Unlimited Force
4. Claim Items Won't Decrease
5. Unlimited Money
6. Edit Money/En
7. Multiply EXP Gain
8. Unlimited Skill Points
9. Select Character Stats Type
10. Edit Character Stats
11. Instant Kill
12. Game Speed

Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
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The Etrian Odyssey II HD cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 12 cheats
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thanks for the cheats.
The stat edits won’t stick though 
hi, Colonel. Would you mind explaining to me how god mode actually works?
also, unlimited tp doesnt work unless in specific situations, its not unlimited tp if it doesn’t work always
If it’s like Etrian Odyssey, it might be due to too much excess damage

If that is the case, I might let them know that and they can put a note on it, like on the first game’s trainer
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as per EO1 - instant kill option includes my characters as well - is this working as intended? 
Unlimited Skill Points option no longer works. When I toggle it with F8 it immediately toggles off. I assume the trainer is out of date.
inifinte hp doesnt work for all characters, for some reason its just my gunner and trabadour
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Infinite HP/TP/Force only works for my back row characters, my Dark Hunter and Ronin in the front row still get damaged/spend TP/normally charge force.
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Adding an addition to my post, so far after a bit of testing, the whole front row and last slot of back row do not get Infinite HP/TP/Force, and are also affected by the instant kill option in the trainer, setting all those slots to 1 HP as well as the enemies’s HP too.
Replaying again after months and This trainer still hasn’t been touched. Specifically the Unlimited Skill Points option not working. When toggled with the keybind it immediately toggles back off. And I still assume the trainer is out of date.
Sorry for the weird English, but I hope you get the message.
Options 1, 2, 3, 11 do not work on the front row.
Not adapted when equipment changes.
It worked if I created a new character and did not change equipment.
Option 3 does not apply. Or it is adapted but not triggered.
No equipment required for character’s special moves.
Combined with the above, which states that equipment should not be replaced, the force may be present but cannot be activated.
Options 8 and 12 do not work.
Cause unknown. Seeking information.
Levels can be raised easily and there is no need to make money, so it is better to take care of the other elements by yourself.
Nearly a year since this trainer was working properly. Doing my best to try to make the issue known through proper and official channels, but it seems older stuff is never looked at? Replying once more in the hopes that this game and its trainer is noticed.
I assumed that you purchased it on steam. Have you attempted launching the game initially, waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world, and then opening the mods by clicking PLAY
Yes I have. My assumption is that the trainer is simply out of date since there was an update to the game (along with EO 1 and 3) and this didn’t get updated to match the new version like the others did.
Got it, Can you try to reinstall the trainer by clicking DOWNLOAD TRAINER
and check if issue persists?
I reinstalled the trainer through the download trainer option at the top. It reinstalled and restarted the wemod client. After launching the game through steam again and wait until I could freely navigate within the game, I turned the trainer on once more. The exact same issue is present. Other options like Unlimited money or HP do work (at least they don’t turn off instantly when I press the hotkey) but the unlimited skill points does not.
Try to re-bind the keys for every mods and check if it works.
Rebinding the key gives the same results. The new key will act in the same way the old key did. When the old key is placed on a different mod, it works fine. It is that mod, no matter the key (I tried many different keys) that does it.