no clip is works fine/I haven’t found the offset yet
The Factorio cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Thank you!
I noticed that Achievements button does crash the game if you lunch the game trough Steam and have WeMod cheats actevated after in game. If you lunch the game trough WeMod you will crash before main menu. It have something to with steam API. So until fixed you run the game first, the use mods and dont press achievements button, maybe whole overlay, idk, I did not test overlay.
22.123 Steam Storage Quota: 23825/23841
22.125 Error CrashHandler.cpp:503: Exception Code: 80000003, Address: 0x00007ff66c3ad156
22.125 Error CrashHandler.cpp:523: Exception Context:
22.125 Crashed in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait …
Stack trace:
00007FF66C3AD156 (Factorio): TrainPathAchievement::gained
00007FFBA1FB421F (steam_api64): SteamAPI_servernetadr_t_SetQueryPort
00007FFBA1FB464C (steam_api64): SteamAPI_servernetadr_t_SetQueryPort
00007FFBA1FB8279 (steam_api64): SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
22.125 Error Util.cpp:95: Unexpected error occurred.
27.844 Error CrashHandler.cpp:270: Heap validation: success.
27.845 Creating crash dump.
28.111 CrashDump success
First off, thank you MrAntiFun for your continued efforts in updating these trainers for the community.
For the most recent update, I am still having issues with the “Instant Action” working. The cheat activates on the wemod app, but doesn’t work in-game.
could you add the option to craft quickly?
It would be nice to also have the ability to craft everything in your hands, I saw that you have implemented it on other games
The Factorio cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
“Easy Craft” cheat is crafting the resources needed for the craft like copper wires, red circuits etc. why not unclude no req for craft?
Is this supposed to work like this?
I tried to get 5 electric furnaces and it started to craft 125 copper wires, 50 green circuits and 25 red before making the electric furnaces.
side effect of the one shot F6 is that the repair robots destroy the items they are trying to fix and get stuck in a loop fixing and breaking it.
For some reason easy craft crashes game when an item with coal as substrate is queued. I have no idea why. Earlier it crashed only on Military Science but now also on plastic derivatives.
Hey! May I know if you are using the mods on a multiplayer/co-op mode?
I’ve been playing solo since start. I’ll check if multiplayer is a checkbox that I can disable and retest.
EDIT: There is big Single Player button in main menu - I’ve been using this one
It appeared that it had a conflict with one of my mods. I removed said mod and now everything works fine. Sorry for false report.
Hi! After new update, Easy Craft doesn’t work anymore.
I was wondering, can Unlimited Items have different stacks numbers? Like 10-100 Item stack?
is there any news about the easy craft working yet?
Hello, I wanted to take the opportunity to say how amazing these mods are. A LOT of fun. I would like to report 1 bug that i noted regarding the easy craft mod. It is registered as on, but does not operate correctly.
All working great except Easy Craft which is no longer functioning.
Thanks guys! I have forwarded this off to the team for further testing! Sorry for any inconvenience!
Thank you and your team for all the hard work! Supporting y’all has been one of the most awesome choices I make with my Paycheck
The Factorio cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements