Far Cry 5 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

same here

What doesn’t work on UPLAY? I was just using it with no issues.

@STiNGERR it looks like unlimited health gives animals unlimited health also.

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Works fine for me. Everything does. I have the UPlay version

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is something similar possible with a game like Ghost Recon Wildlands?

Everything is working fine for me as well.

The steam version doesn’t seem to work :confused: I keep getting the “We having trouble loading the cheats into your game.” error, I’ve turned off my anti-virus, ran it as admin, and none of it works. Please help. Thank you.


I laughed when the money went from 999,999 to 9,999,999 was it to little?

would be nice if you can change the infinite perk cheat to an add xx amount of perkpoints cheats.

999 covers everything you could rp getting them even though your perk points are pretty much maxed out. Wah Wah

I tried this and in mission it doesn’t seem to work unless reloading last checkpoint works I haven’t tried that yet but that is still pretty inconvenient as you have no idea how much progress you might lose on reload.

Yes…wah wah

Will there be unlimited ally health!!! I need ‘‘My Good Boy’’ to live through accidental friendly fire…

Has Wah Wah got you too? Its good/funny to see someone else say it.

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It’s so catchy and addicting. Damn you!


Yes very much damn Wah Wah will live on in other Cheat/Trainer chats

So many cheats, so little time.

Just hoping Boomer can hold out against a .50 Cal.

I get this error
Far Cry 5 requires special file patching to use cheats. but we were unable to patch your game if you have it open. Otherwise, you may be running an unsupported version

Wah Wah Boomer Down mayday mayday Boomer Down.

will a ghost mode cheat be possible?