Far Cry 6 Cheats and Trainer

Could you please confirm whether your Far Cry 6 game is still installed on your PC?

Does it still work ? When I want to start the game it just shows “Loading mods…” and nothing happens.

The infinite health does NOT work. so if you jump high or speed up fast, you just die crashing into the ground. Could you please update the trainer?

This is something the trainer can not fix. Certain types of death are ‘scripted’ events and so if you do certain things the death will occur no matter how much health you have.

Thanks for your reply JG.
So then the teleport function shouldn’t even be on the trainer.
It used to work fine. Even the trainer itself says “Use the infinite health to prevent fall damage”. Are you saying that the game updated it to not work? Thank you.

I can jump without dying when setting the jump height to 9 (at 10 it is death). No problem cranking it all the way though (16) – e.g. if going up a mountain – because it’s about the total distance between height of jump, and landing. At the same time, if jumping down a mountain, may even die if jump height is set to 5.

If I was to hazard a guess, you hit ‘terminal velocity’ and the scripted death occurs.

we need some more mods for fc6 idk what but something

it’s not working, keeps on loading :frowning:

Hello i want to know if you gonna put cheat for the moneda one day ?