Far Cry Primal Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I am having a similar problem with the game speed. It does at start go to 1.875, however when I change the value to 1 it just makes the game very slow! I would like to know how to fix ASAP cause it is frustrating :frowning: Other cheats do not work or mess up my game also.

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can u please remove the game speed ? its so anoying… i just need beast have unlimited hp

When I started playing with infinity, the game started going super fast. anyone know the proper Game Speed, Run Speed, Walk speed and jump height?

Just use Cheat Engine’s cheats for this instead. There is no way to turn off the superspeed. If you move the speed dial even one point down(Or even a fraction of a point) it goes from Superspeed to Super Slomo. And then within twenty minutes it will somehow reset itself back to superspeed(even with the point figure remaining the same) and nothing else you do will impact it from that point forward. The Gamespeed cheat needs to be removed from this completely. It’s the only thing holding this mod back. But since that’s not an option, just use the Cheat Engine mod for this instead. Almost as good, no annoying superspeed.

@unknown_v2 Can you either remove the option or fix it?

The Far Cry Primal cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


all i need is unlimited beast hp, i wanna see my dog defeat mammoth… :frowning: now i cant

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Trainer no longer detects game even after trying the suggested fixes. Not sure if the game has been updated.

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cheats failed to download in my case

The Game cant be put on infinity, everytime i put the game icon over it, it doesnt work, same with folder

@unknown_v2 Is there any way you can change the increments at which the jump height is increased and bring it down to say 5x increments. Also my reset jump height function is not working. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!

You can add jump hight on the pro app. I dont think you can adjust it with out it
Same with speed can adjust it on the app

@unknown_v2 the game cant be put on infinity. i tried to put the game in it
and it didnt work

Infinity shows that Far Cry Primal can not be found and when I try to select it to fix that it says catastrophic failure. What do I do.

Can you post a screenshot of the error? What file are you selecting?

jump height is on 0 and when i increase it it goes on 25. please help

My apologies if the answer is very clear I just came here hoping I missed something crucial.
My game is installed on uplay, I’ve went to the folder directory and selected FCPrimal.exe and FCSplash.exe just incase but none worked. The game launches FCPrimal.exe but then closes (this is when WeMod stops the checkmark) and opens to what I can only assume is the internet shortcut, but you cannot select it or the entire game folder cause it asks for an exe. Any ideas?

Launch the game then alt-tab and click play in WeMod.

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Hi. is this thread still active ? Can we please have the trainers for uplay version ? uplay wont show the exe file to manually add the game. Thank you

It’s a long shot as this is an older game and wasn’t too popular.
Can try to start the game first then when in game world alt tab out then press the play button in wemod. Can try it it mite work and mite not or some options mite work