Feature request: when you click "x" in the upper right corner, it should the app instead of minimize it

Feature request: when you click “x” in the upper right corner, it should the app instead of minimize it. Then I have to close the app from the taskbar. Very inefficient and actually goes against UI convention. In 100% of all other programs – except for this one – clicking X in the upper right corner closes applications completely.

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This is already a feature. If you go to your settings and turn off ‘Close to tray’ it will fully exit the app instead of minimizing it.


Not true. I personally have about 12 software programs on my PC that minimise to tray instead of closing. Including a program that every single Windows user has on their PC - an antivirus. I find it very convenient in some cases.

@SatansFather is correct, you control this from your settings.

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