Find out if you’re in the xbox 360 dashboard beta program

Microsoft recently initiated sign-ups for the upcoming Fall 2011 Xbox 360 dashboard update beta test, and today, the company has started notifying those who have been accepted into the program.

If you haven’t yet received an email, here’s how you can check to see if you’re in the beta test or not.

Go to this url:

Sign in with your Windows Live ID

In the “Announcements” box, look for a link that says: “Next Steps – as of 10/17/2011″

On the page that comes up after clicking that link, if you’re in the beta test, the second paragraph should say the following: “Those details are coming out very soon, until then, know that you are ‘IN’ for the Fall 2011 Xbox LIVE Update Preview program and we are ecstatic to have you on board!”

If you’ve been accepted, then the remaining steps that you’ll need to take in order to participate the beta should become active soon.

Nice, I’m in.

Same here

Ha i just got done doing this 30min ago i thought it was old news so i didnt say anything


Im in :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m Not in it :cry:

I’m not in it, because I was too late to register. I saw the thread and thought ‘I’ll do this later.’ I forgot for two whole days. :laughing:

I’m in as well. :smile:

Im in i registered in first two hours :stuck_out_tongue:

Im in :smiley:

Cloud storage should be interesting to test

Yes I got it in.

People that got in, Can u join partys ?

I believe you can

ya, why not. and if you are thinking its like that other dashboard update, that is because they were changing the quality of the voice of the party chat that’s why. this one has nothing to deal with party chats.

Yay I got in.

DAM! im not in!

I’m in yeahhhh!

Thread was created 57 min ago… How is it already closed for beta? Im out…

I’m in :smiley: Can’t wait for YouTube.