Find out who looks at your Facebook profile the most

Step One: Go to your profile.

Step Two: Right click on the page and click “View Page Source”

Step Three: Now do a CtrlF search for “orderedfriends”

Step Four: You will see a list of numbers after this, they are the ids of the profiles that look at your profile the most. To access them go to

Courtesy of 4chan.

I thought this was gonna be an app or something, thanks :smile:

It’s cool I guess, it would take a lot of time to find out everyone who visits.

Thanks non the less.

Ordered friends mean people are your “close friends” not who looks at your profile the most. The top 1- people who came up for me are in my close friends.

Not really, my ex Girlfriend is the 2nd person that most views my profile and I haven’t contacted her in a long time.

Edit: By ‘Close friends’ I hope you mean people who you most contact and communicate with on Facebook.

Are you saying it’s from a list titled close friends?
I don’t have a close friend list so is the list randomly generated for me?

when i go to it takes me to this dude steven howell? Any ideas

edit: NV im an idiot!!! I wasnt pasting the id number. lol

Well out of the top 10 people most of them were close friends.

> tfw the woman I have a crush on has viewed my profile most

You don’t know this feel but I do!!!

i started at the begining and did a few than went to the end and did a few, and i believe it is a list of the order that people accepted your friend requests. All the recent friends ive added were at the end and ones that ive had for a long time were at the beginning. Could be wrong but thats the way it seems to be. All the people i talk to the most also are in the top ten

For some reason I have a feeling this is for whose profile you look at the most rather than who looks at yours, because the results I am getting are odd.

Don’t think it’s base off of profile views.

Talk to girl everyday, she claims she never goes on my profile, and she was first on the list.

Shes prob the one you have the most activity with on facebook

This has nothing to do with who looks at your profile it’s a list of people who you have interacted with the most.

Not really lol I have some people that are like 6th on the list and I have never spoken to them before. O_o

Glad you gave 4chan the cred, i saw it on there and i couldn’t guess who viewed my profile the most… my girlfriend…

i cant get it to work. i guess no one likes me

This is actually pretty crazy! I can’t believe it! A lot of girls I used to talk to are in my top. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine are definitely not in the order I added them. And it would make sense that if you talk to people a lot that they would look at your profile more, but it’s also possible that it is not just how many people look at your profile but also people you communicate with. Someone mentioned that in the thread I got it from.

It’s probably profiles that yourself viewed the most.