Forza Horizon mod tool isn't working

Whenever I open my Forza Horizon profile in the mod tool provided in Horizon, it does not allow me to add barn finds or unicorns, or to edit my experience or money, despite loading everything.
The add unicorn button and add barn finds button are grey and do nothing when clicked, and the field of which it displays my credits is unable to be typed in to increase my cash.

Try to mod the cash lower and dose it give you an error?

Your file isn’t being loaded, that’s why. Make sure it isn’t corrupted or misplaced. Try running as an administrator.

Could you please upload for ForzaProfile Here and replying with the link.
There should be a fix tomorrow.


The issue should be fixed very soon.

I decided to reinstall Horizon completely and somehow that seems to have fixed everything, I can actually use the tool now. Sooooo yea. There’s no problems anymore

From Cheater912.

We just released an update. it should be fixed!

Glad to see your issue was resolved, enjoy Horizon!
