Hello there Admirals!
A starter pack called “Albany” is free for the World of Warships game.
World of Warships itself is free-to-play.
Click here to see what the pack includes.
American Tier II Premium cruiser Albany and a Port slot.
Mission: Complete 15 battles to receive your choice of one of the following researchable ships:
- Japanese Tier IV destroyer Isokaze
- American Tier IV cruiser Phoenix
- German Tier IV battleship Moltke
- British Tier IV aircraft carrier Hermes
1,500,000 Credits
Epic patch
12x “Credits +40%” expendable economic bonuses
12x “Ship XP +200%” expendable economic bonuses
12x “Commander XP +200%” expendable economic bonuses
12x “Free XP +600%” expendable economic bonuses
10x Juliet Charlie signals
10x Victor Lima signals
10x India X-Ray signals
10x Sierra Mike signals
10x November Foxtrot signals