Frostpunk 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Frostpunk 2
This is the official discussion topic of the Frostpunk 2 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Massive Resources
2. Set Scraps
3. Set Heatstamps
4. Set Prefabs
5. Set Cores
6. Set Food Stockpile
7. Set Coal Stockpile
8. Set Oil Stockpile
9. Set Steam Stockpile
10. Set Materials Stockpile
11. Set Goods Stockpile
12. Set Guard Squads
13. Add 10 Frostland Teams
14. Relations Always Maxed Out
15. [Chosen Community] Max Out Relations
16. [Chosen Community] Add 500 Population
17. Infinite Deposits
18. Instant Constructions
19. Instant District Expansion
20. Instant Research
21. Instant Exploration
22. Safe Explorations
23. No Building Wear
24. No Council Recess
25. Hesistant Votes Are 'For'
26. Set Research Speed Multiplier


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 09/18/2024
    Started development

  • 09/18/2024
    Released trainer with 14 cheats

  • 09/19/2024
    Set Oil Stockpile cheat added
    Set Steam Stockpile cheat added
    Choose Community cheat added
    [Chosen Community] Max Out Relations cheat added
    [Chosen Community] Add 500 Population cheat added
    No Building Wear cheat added
    No Council Recess cheat added
    Hesistant Votes Are ‘For’ cheat added

  • 09/20/2024
    Infinite Deposits cheat added
    Instant District Expansion cheat added
    Instant Research cheat added
    Set Research Speed Multiplier cheat added

  • 09/26/2024
    Massive Resources cheat added
    Set Scraps cheat added
    Set Guard Squads cheat added
    Add 10 Frostland Teams cheat added
    Relations Always Maxed Out cheat added
    Instant Exploration cheat added
    Safe Explorations cheat added

  • 09/26/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 11/14/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 12/16/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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The Frostpunk 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 14 cheats

Almost all work, except heatmarks in the first act of story mode.
Thanks nevertheless!

Please apply Korean!
I translated it in the order you posted it.
I didn’t translate the sentence I didn’t understand.

  1. 열우표 설정
  2. 조립식 건물 설정
  3. 증기심 설정
  4. 식량 비축량 설정
  5. 석탄 비축량 설정
  6. 자재 비축량 설정
  7. 상품 비축량 설정
  8. Max Out Foragers Relations
  9. Max Out Labourers Relations
  10. Max Out Machinists Relations
  11. 채집꾼 500명 추가
  12. 사상가 500명 추가
  13. 기계공 500명 추가
  14. 빠른 건설

Numbers 11 to 13 seem to depend on what kind of community you set up.
I chose the aristocracy, not the machinists, and the population of that community grew.

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Unfortunately none worked for me. I only get error sounds regardless which option I try.

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I managed to use the set food and premade materials, but otherwise it’s the same as yours. Could this be due to modding instability?

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I don’t want to speculate. I think, with patience and updates, it will work as intended. I hope, that this issue will be explained and gets resolved.

It seems that it is related to the story mode as I could activate the mods in endless mode without issue.

Unfortunately for me none of the cheats worked, all ended up with that typical error sound.

Hopefully get this one sorted soon.

Still a great game to wrestle with :slight_smile:

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Can confirm cheats are working just as intended. Can we please get a quick deconstruction cheat as well?

None of the relations cheats work in campaign mode. I have 4 factions - none of them in the table.


Some of the cheats that DO work as intended - the rapid construction (which helps with the frostbreaking, and THANK YOU for that) - are most helpful, but there are a bunch that are missing. I admit I’m curious why there’s no boost to the oil stockpile, for instance, especially seeing as that’s the go-to fuel source, more so than the coal.

Then again, the game has only been “out” for a day, and comes out for real on Friday, so maybe it’s just dipping our toes in the water. Or the oil. Whichever.


Need Set Oil Stockpile :kissing_heart: pls


Can we add mod resources for each settlement? they are always lacking hahaha need to send resources from new London. takes too long.

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Most of the mods work just fine for me exept the goods stockpile.
I hope we get some infinite resource deposits and more faction max relations.

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Thank you, but all factions relationship are not work, maybe it due to every game spwan different factions?

And Heatstamps set not work in prologue (there also not called Heatstamps).

Thankyou again.

The Frostpunk 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Set Oil Stockpile cheat added
  • Set Steam Stockpile cheat added
  • Choose Community cheat added
  • [Chosen Community] Max Out Relations cheat added
  • [Chosen Community] Add 500 Population cheat added
  • No Building Wear cheat added
  • No Council Recess cheat added
  • Hesistant Votes Are 'For' cheat added

Great changes! Could we have an instant research cheat too? Tysm!

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You are the best. I would even pay more to appreciate your work.

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Though I’m curious - is the faction list specific only to the ones that pop up in Utopia?

I haven’t played the Story mode, but if those Communities show up in the Story mode, then they should work.